

ADV: <Newly Published> Mental Capacity Act in Singapore: Law and Practice

ADV: <Newly Published> Mental Capacity Act in Singapore: Law and Practice

<Newly Published> The MCA establishes a framework for making decisions on behalf of individuals aged 21 and above who lack mental capacity, safeguarding their welfare and interests. Although modelled after its English counterpart, the MCA has since evolved through local developments to address Singapore’s unique societal and legal context. This book offers readers a practical and in-depth commentary on the MCA.

Categories: Headlines
Judge voids marriage of man who died in 2017 after mum sues Vietnamese ‘wife’

Judge voids marriage of man who died in 2017 after mum sues Vietnamese ‘wife’

The judge said public policy requires the court to not permit the "spouse" of a sham marriage to inherit the other party’s assets.

Categories: Headlines

High Court Appoints Interim Administrator to Preserve Status Quo of Disputed Estate

This update takes a look at a rare, published judicial decision in Singapore regarding interim administration in XBW v XBX and another [2024] SGHCF 30. This decision is instructive on the criteria for a grant of letters of administration pending determination of a probate claim.

XBO v XBP [2024] SGHCF 36

Succession and Wills — Testamentary capacity

XBW v XBX and another [2024] SGHCF 30

Probate and Administration — Special and limited grants of administration

WWI v WWJ [2024] SGHCF 28

Succession and Wills — Testamentary capacity

Re Estate of BKR, deceased [2024] SGCA 4

Mental Disorders and Treatment — Management of patients' property and affairs

Phoa Eugene v Oey Liang Ho and others [2024] SGHC 22

Probate and Administration — Personal representatives

DFS v NUHS Fund Ltd [2023] SGHC 336

Probate and Administration — Distribution of assets

WKK v WKL [2023] SGHCF 48

Succession and Wills – Alteration and erasure of wills

WKR v WKQ and another appeal [2023] SGHC(A) 35

Probate and Administration — Foreign domicile grants

WHR and another v WHT and others [2023] SGHCF 32

Succession and Wills—Codicils

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