This court action follows two other pending lawsuits that have been launched against Media Matters over the same article.
After examining cases in the Australian, English and Scottish courts, the court said it is generally not necessary for a bus driver to wait for all passengers to be seated before moving off.
The Magistrate’s Court’s decision in Walker Helen Debra v Soh Poh Geok [2021] SGMC 79 is the first published decision in Singapore that directly considers the principles applicable to an award of damages for tortious injury to a companion animal. This note tests the limits of the framework governing tortious remedies for damaged and destroyed chattels and argues for a shift away from the conventional “market value” analysis and the “total constructive loss” rule in favour of a holistic test of reasonableness in determining the recoverability of damages.
This article encapsulates and evaluates the 2023 decisions of the Singapore courts on tort law. It is authored by Professors Kumaralingam Amirthalingam & Gary Chan Kok Yew.