Family Law — Matrimonial assets
Couples who fake divorces to hide their properties could still have their assets seized by creditors.
When a joint owner of property is sued for debt, the creditors are entitled to claim the half share of the home that belongs to the debtor.
In a divorce, the parent with care and control of the child of the marriage will usually seek an order for maintenance of the child against the other parent in the ancillary matters hearing. However, what happens if the child is 21 years old or above? Should the child make an application for maintenance herself? Or can the parent to whom she is aligned make the application on her behalf?
Courts and Jurisdiction — Judges
Family Law — Matrimonial Assets
Family Law — Custody ; Family Law — Matrimonial assets
Family Law — Matrimonial assets
The judge said public policy requires the court to not permit the "spouse" of a sham marriage to inherit the other party’s assets.
Many cases involve legal owners' wrong assumption that they are absolute owners of the real estate.
In WXW v WXX [2025] SGHC(A) 2, the Appellate Division of the High Court clarified that whether a marriage is classified as single-income or dual-income in nature is dependent on the roles undertaken and discharged by the spouses during the marriage. This classification is significant as it determines the applicable approach for the division of matrimonial assets pursuant to s 112 of the Women’s Charter. This update discusses the decision.
The writer says the prolonged legal uncertainty that adoptive families face due to the absence of clear, enforceable timelines for revoking parental consent may expose children to unnecessary emotional upheaval.
Family Law — Matrimonial assets
This article reviews the past ten years of matrimonial asset division cases, examining what comprises a matrimonial asset, and the two main approaches for dividing matrimonial assets in ANJ v ANK [2015] 4 SLR 1043 and TNL v TNK [2017] 1 SLR 609. It discusses the various factors used in these two approaches, eg, marriage length, whether it is single or double-income, and the extent of parties’ contributions.
Family law — Matrimonial assets