But an MP's proposal to make employers justify terminations is unlikely to be taken up, as it would impose a significant burden.
The judge said Mr Rajan's explanation for deleting applications from his devices was unsatisfactory.
They find it easier to scale their workforce in response to business needs and economic conditions -- especially amid growing uncertainty.
The proportion of firms offering flexible work arrangements increased from 68.1 per cent in 2023, to 72.7 per cent in 2024.
Requiring employees to reapply for jobs means they must formally demonstrate their capabilities and undergo the hiring process again or risk losing their role.
In Singapore, the Government and employers have implemented various initiatives to raise awareness of mental health in the workplace.
Employment Law — Contract of service
Employment Law — Unfair dismissal
The case of Dabbs, Matthew Edward v AAM Advisory Pte Ltd [2024] SGHC 26 involved a claim for wrongful dismissal and allegations of the breach of natural justice in respect of a workplace investigation and disciplinary hearing. This update delves into some of the issues which the court considered and discusses some of the things employers should note when dealing with such situations.
The Workplace Fairness Bill was introduced in Parliament on 12 November 2024 and seeks to protect individuals from discrimination establish fair employment practices among other things. This article sets out some of the key provisions of the Bill.
Contract — Breach ; Contract — Contractual terms
Contract — Mistake ; Contract — Contractual terms
Injunctions — Interlocutory injunction
Employment Law — Contract of service
Contract — Breach , Employment Law — Employees’ duties
Employment Law — Employers’ duty
Employment Law — Contract of service
Confidence — Breach of Confidence