In Chang Peng Hong Clarence v Public Prosecutor [2024] SGCA 58, the Court of Appeal held that under the proper interpretation of Section 13(1) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, sentencing judges can and must impose one penalty for each charge where an accused person has been convicted of two or more offences for the acceptance of gratification in contravention of the Act. The Court of Appeal set out a framework for calibrating the period of in-default imprisonment for failure to pay the amount stated in a penalty order in a case where more than one penalty order has been imposed.
The Child Development Co-Savings (Amendment) Bill was passed in Parliament last month to amend the Child Development Co-Savings Act 2001 which provide for new and enhanced parental leave schemes among other changes. This update reviews the upcoming changes and how they will be implemented.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $500 million loan package to enhance financial inclusion in Indonesia, targeting vulnerable groups such as women, youth, rural populations, and micro, small, and medium enterprises.