

<SAL Prac> Bortezomib Battles: A Tale of Licensees and Burdens – Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc v Zyfas Medical Co [2023] SGHC 360 [case comment]

<SAL Prac> Bortezomib Battles: A Tale of Licensees and Burdens – Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc v Zyfas Medical Co [2023] SGHC 360 [case comment]

Exclusive licensees of patents enjoy a certain amount of protection. The High Court was recently given an opportunity to throw some light on who an exclusive licensee is. The High Court also considered the circumstances under which a claimant may reverse the burden of proving infringement of a patented process.

Lo Kok Jong v Eng Beng [2024] SGCA 28

Damages — Measure of damages

Public Prosecutor v Tan Sen Yang [2024] SGHC 201

Criminal Law — Offences ; Criminal Law — Special exceptions

Paris court to issue ruling on AO lawsuit this August

The Court of Appeal of Paris is set to issue a ruling on August 22 in the lawsuit filed by Vietnamese-French citizen Trần Tố Nga against 14 US chemical corporations that supplied Agent Orange (AO) during the Vietnam War. 

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