The Energy Market Authority (“EMA”) recently conducted a public consultation on proposed modifications to the auto-renewal practice in the retail electricity market to enhance consumer awareness of auto-renewal provisions in electricity retail contracts. This includes modifications to the proposed wording to EMA’s Code of Conduct for Retail Electricity Licensees.
Artificial intelligence (“AI”) is advancing rapidly, transforming industries and societies. As a jurisdiction at the forefront of AI development, Singapore stands at the crossroads of this nascent but fast evolving sector, where the need for a thoughtful, robust regulatory framework is apparent. This article considers the risk based approach within Singapore’s regulatory landscape, exploring in detail the principle of accountability embedded therein. It goes on to posit the future direction of AI regulation and governance in Singapore, highlighting key considerations that must be taken into account in developing and refining any formal regulatory regime.
The Energy Market Authority (“EMA”) recently conducted a public consultation on proposed modifications to the auto-renewal practice in the retail electricity market to enhance consumer awareness of auto-renewal provisions in electricity retail contracts. This includes modifications to the proposed wording to EMA’s Code of Conduct for Retail Electricity Licensees.
It was predicted that remote hearings would be conducted less frequently after the COVID-19 pandemic, because such hearings did not allow witnesses to be confronted face‑to‑face, were perceived to be informal and made it difficult to observe body signals of witnesses. This article discusses why these reasons are not tenable. Further, it highlights the case law and relevant provisions in the Courts (Civil and Criminal Justice) Reform Act 2021 (Act 25 of 2021) pertaining to remote hearings and recommends procedural reforms to increase the use of video conferencing technology, to enhance the administration of, and access to, justice.
The Energy Market Authority (“EMA”) recently conducted a public consultation on proposed modifications to the auto-renewal practice in the retail electricity market to enhance consumer awareness of auto-renewal provisions in electricity retail contracts. This includes modifications to the proposed wording to EMA’s Code of Conduct for Retail Electricity Licensees.
Climate disputes – which form a distinct and increasingly important category of disputes – have particular needs and give rise to particular challenges. Traditional adversarial models of adjudication will often not be best suited to providing the most suitable or meaningful resolution of these disputes, or to addressing the real problems that underlie them. This article suggests that a bespoke model of justice – informed by the concept of therapeutic justice – should be developed for climate disputes, to ensure that they are managed and resolved in a way that meaningfully addresses the wider interests and the deeper issues at stake. Such a model should be restorative, holistic, interest-based and forward-looking, and would mark a shift from a singular focus on the adjudication of rights and wrongs to the facilitated resolution of conflict.
The Monetary Authority of Singapore announced last month that the Equities Market Review Group has recommended its first set of measures to enhance the development of Singapore’s equities market, collectively aimed at increasing investor interest and deepen liquidity. This update summaries some of these measures which would be particularly relevant to existing issuers already listed on the Singapore Exchange.
This update summarises the changes that were made to the Guidelines for Developoers on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism on 21 January 2025 in line with the key recommendations made in the report by the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Anti-Money Laundering.
The Monetary Authority of Singapore recently shared the first set of measures proposed by the Equities Market Review Group to enhance the competitiveness of Singapore’s equities market. This update provides an overview of these measures with the second set of measures expected to be completed by end 2025.
The amendments to the Administration of Justice (Protection) Act 2016 took effect from 28 January 2025, making clear to the public and potential court users that egregious cases of abuse of process will amount to contempt of court. This update takes a brief look at some of the amendments.
This update takes a look at the changes to the regime for the Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty remission timelines for licensed housing developers for Complex Projects, and for approval of building works for housing projects submitted through CORENET X.
Section 300(c) has long been a controversial provision of the Penal Code. Whereas much of the academic discussion on this section has focused on the subjective limb of the Virsa Singh test, this article argues that the oft neglected objective limb of the test is equally important.
The Monetary Authority of Singapore has announced that the Equities Market Review Group (Review Group) has recommended its first set of measures to enhance the development of Singapore's equities market. This update summarises the regulatory initiatives recommended by the Review Group and discuss their potential impact on the listing process.
This update provides a summary of Singapore’s ambitions to reduce emissions under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, highlighting mitigation policies and plans already in place as well as future strategies.
The draft SIAC Insolvency Arbitration Protocol sets out a procedure for arbitration at SIAC for the resolution of disputes arising in relation to insolvency proceedings. This update considers the application of the draft Protocol and reviews its key differences from the current SIAC Rules.
This update provides an overview of the Protection from Scams Bill which will empower specified officers to issue a Restriction Order to banks to restrict the banking transactions of an individual, if there is reason to believe that the individual will make transactions to a scammer.
This update provides a summary of the proposed key measures covered in the Maintenance of Racial Harmony Bill and focusses on significant points and obligations relevant to potential entities affected by the Bill such as racial or ethnic-based organisations, eg, clan associations, trade chambers, charities, etc.
This update looks at the scope and safeguards of the Protection from Scams Bill passed in Parliament on 7 January which will give the police powers to issue restriction orders to banks, which will then restrict the banking transactions of an individual’s accounts.
This update highlights key aspects of the Protection from Scams Bill, such as the basis and impact of restriction orders issued by specified police officers, and the potential risks for banks.
The ACRA (Registry and Regulatory Enhancements) Act 2024 took effect on 9 December 2024, and introduces provisions to strike a balance between corporate transparency and data protection, facilitate digital communications with businesses and stakeholders among other things. This update looks at the key changes under the Act.