13Jan2025 13 Jan - 11 Apr 25: SMU Yong Pung How School of Law Auditing Programme AY2024-25 Term 2, SMU Yong Pung How School of Law (54 public CPD points)
13Jan2025 13 Jan - 18 Apr 25: NUS Faculty of Law Graduate Programmes and Auditing Programme AY2024/2025 Semester 2, NUS Faculty of Law (72 public CPD points)
18Jan2025 18 Jan - 17 May 2025: Graduate Certificate in International Arbitration (2025), NUS Faculty of Law (120 public CPD points)
13Mar2025 13 - 25 Mar 2025: Construction Law 101 (15th Run), Society of Construction Law (Singapore) (10 public CPD points)
24Mar2025 24 Mar: AI and the Law, International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (Singapore Group) (3 public CPD points inclusive of 1 public MEC point)
25Mar2025 25 - 26 Mar: Masterclass: Understanding Why Singapore’s Network of FTAs are Relevant to Legal Practice, Law Society (12 public CPD points)
25Mar2025 25 - 27 Mar: SMU-IPAS Advanced Certificate in Insolvency and Restructuring Module 1: Liquidation And Receivership, SMU Law Academy (6 public CPD points)
25Mar2025 25 Mar: SCMA Conference 2025: Navigating The Future of Maritime Arbitration in Fast-changing & Complex World – Geopolitics, Innovation & Sustainability, SCMA (3 public CPD points)
25Mar2025 25 Mar: The Collaborative Contracting Report Card: The Singapore, UK and Hong Kong Experience, SAL (1 public CPD point)
26Mar2025 26 Mar: E154: Anti-Money Laundering / Combating The Financing Of Terrorism (“AML / CFT”) Course, Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (2.5 public MEC points)
26Mar2025 26 Mar: Access to Justice Symposium (A2J Symposium): Management, Treatment and Sentencing for Persons with Invisible Disabilities within the Criminal Justice System, Pro Bono SG (7 public MEC points)
26Mar2025 26 Mar: The Core and Crux of 2024’s Singapore Tax Cases, Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals (3 public CPD points)
27Mar2025 27 Mar: Mediation Advocacy Skills - Persuading through a Comprehensive Mediation Advocacy Strategy (Case Statements and Pre-Mediations), Sage Mediation (3.5 public CPD points)
27Mar2025 27 Mar: Navigating Uncharted Waters -- Indonesia’s Personal Data Protection Law and AI Regulation, Asian Business Law Institute (1 public CPD point)
27Mar2025 27 Mar: Half Day Private Trust Company Workshop – including AML, Litigation, Role of Licensed Trust Companies, STEP (Singapore Branch) (3 public CPD points)
27Mar2025 27 Mar: Shaping the Sports Law & ADR Ecosystem in Singapore, Law Society (2 public CPD points)
27Mar2025 27 Mar: CML Seminar Series: Appeals in Arbitration and the Effect of the English Law Commission Arbitration Law Reform Project, NUS Centre for Maritime Law (1.5 public CPD points)
28Mar2025 28 Mar: Harnessing AI for a more efficient practice of law, A.B. Maximus & Co. Pte Ltd (1.5 public CPD points)
1Apr2025 1 - 3 Apr: SMU-IPAS Advanced Certificate in Insolvency and Restructuring Module 2: Formal Restructuring Options, SMU Law Academy (6 public CPD points)
2Apr2025 2 Apr: ACRA's Prescribed Anti-Money Laundering Combating the Financing of Terrorism ("AML/CFT") Course, Chartered Secretaries Institute Singapore (2.5 public MEC points)
2Apr2025 2 Apr: An Overview of Advanced AI Reasoning Models and Deep Research Workflows for Legal Professionals, SMU Law Academy (2 public CPD points inclusive of 1 public MEC point)
3Apr2025 3 Apr: APCEL-CNCS Executive Programme Legal and Regulatory Issues on Climate Change in Singapore, NUS Faculty of Law (6.5 public CPD points inclusive of 0.5 public CPD points)
3Apr2025 3 Apr: Mediation Advocacy Skills - Negotiating a Winning Outcome for the Client at Mediation, Sage Mediation Institute for Leadership Education (3.5 public CPD points)
3Apr2025 3 - 4 Apr: Advanced Certificate in Law and Technology Module 9: Digital Assets and IP Disputes, SMU Law Academy (12 public CPD points)
3Apr2025 3 - 4 Apr: ALB Mergers & Acquisitions: Cross-Border Transactions Masterclass 2025, Thomson Reuters Corporation Pte Ltd (5.5 public CPD points)
5Apr2025 5 Apr: SIArb International Entry Course 2025, Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (6 public CPD points)
7Apr2025 7 - 8 Apr: Strategic Conflict Management for Professionals (Module 1), Singapore Mediation Centre (15 public CPD points)
7Apr2025 7 Apr: Singapore’s Contribution to the Development of Minority Shareholder Law, SAL (1 public CPD point)
8Apr2025 8 Apr: Puzzles in the Law of Economic Duress and Lawful Act Duress, NUS Faculty of Law EW Barker Centre for Law & Business (1 public CPD point)
9 Apr: AI, IP, and Legal Responsibility: Navigating the Future of Technology and Law, Assas International School (Singapore) (2 public CPD points)
7 - 9 May: International Mediator Accreditation Workshop, Sage Mediation Institute for Leadership Education Pte Ltd (15.5 public CPD points)
27 - 28 May: Family Therapeutic Justice Certification Programme (May 2025), SAL (12.5 public CPD points)
9 - 10 Apr: ISDA Masterclass: Derivatives Documentation, International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (13.5 public CPD points)
15 Apr: SDRP 2.0: (Even More) Simplified Insolvency Programme – What to Expect, Insolvency Practitioners Association of Singapore (2.5 public CPD points)
17 Apr: Artificial Intelligence: Legal and Ethics implications overview, Assas International School (Singapore) (2 public CPD points)
22 - 24 Apr: SMU-IPAS Advanced Certificate in Insolvency and Restructuring Module 5: Forensics And Investigations, SMU Law Academy (6 public CPD points)
23 Apr: Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection, Paris Panthéon-Assas University (Singapore campus) (2 public CPD points)
25 Apr: APAA - Singapore Group & American IP Law Association (AIPLA) Joint Seminar, Asian Patent Attorneys Association – Singapore Group (2.5 public CPD points)
2 May: A Grand Theory about IP Law and Its Conflict and Complementarity with Competition Law? Global Norms Against Asian Context, SMU Law Academy (2 public CPD points)