Requirements of foreign jurisdictions on the taking of evidence given voluntarily by way of live video-link from a witness located in their jurisdiction in civil proceedings before Singapore courts
Travel restrictions imposed to control the spread of COVID-19 mean that litigants in civil proceedings before the Singapore courts may face difficulties arranging for witnesses located overseas to travel to Singapore to give evidence in person before the Singapore courts.
Singapore law allows witnesses located in foreign jurisdictions to give evidence in civil proceedings before the Singapore courts by live video or live television link.
Depending on the foreign jurisdiction in which the witness is located, there may, in that foreign jurisdiction, be restrictions, prohibitions or requirements on witnesses giving evidence via live video or live television link in civil proceedings in another jurisdiction (such as Singapore civil proceedings).
The document linked below sets out the restrictions, prohibitions or requirements of specific foreign jurisdictions in respect of the giving of evidence by live video or live television link by witnesses located in those foreign jurisdictions in civil proceedings in the Singapore courts.
We hope that this information will be of assistance to litigants in Singapore by providing a quick and easy reference point for the positions of specific foreign jurisdictions. The information in this document has been collated on a best-efforts basis and is current as at the date on which the information was provided by the foreign jurisdictions.
Taking Video Link Evidence in Singapore
The information provided in the above document is for general informational purposes only, and is collated on a best-efforts basis. No part of the document is intended to be, or should be construed as, legal advice. Any link to a third-party website in the document is solely for the convenience of the reader, and shall not be taken as a recommendation or endorsement of the third-party website or any content set out therein, nor any representation of the accuracy thereof. While care has been taken in the collation of information in the document, the Singapore Academy of Law and the Government of Singapore do not represent or warrant that any information provided in the document is up-to-date, complete, sufficient for the purposes of any court application, or accurate. In downloading the document, you agree that the Singapore Academy of Law and the Government of Singapore shall not be liable for any loss, damage, actions, claims, demands, or costs, arising out of or in connection with the information provided in the document, or for any reliance on the information herein.